Fantage Glitches

The Flying Cheat (Works Anywhere)
Go to the place you want to fly.
Go to your inventory.
Press tab and then enter until someone’s IDPhone pops out.
Exit out the IDPhone.
You are invisible. Click toward the upper part of your Fantage screen.
Go back into your inventory. Exit out of it.
You are flying! =D You may have to try one more time if you can’t get it.

The Sunblock Flying Cheat
Go to the right DNA tube and go inside. Shut the door.
Click the ceiling. You’re flying! =)

Blank Speech Bubble
Press the spacebar and then press enter.
You just made a blank speech bubble.

The Monkey Word Glitch
Go chat with a friend of yours on Instant Messenger.
Type Thats One Crazy Monkey. When you press enter, a monkey shows up. =)

The Fashion Show Judge/Player Cheat
For the judge, click the big screen button and quickly click
the player’s stands. You have to be near. You will be out of
the judge’s ring. =D Yay!
For the player, click the big screen button and quickly click the judge’s
ring. You have to be near. You will be out of the player’s stands.
If you can’t do it, try as many times until you can.

The Star Cafe Coffee Secret
Click the lady or the coffee maker green button
and you can make cups of coffee.

The Star Cafe Window Cheat
Go near the Star Cafe window.
Go to your inventory.
Press tab and then enter until someone’s IDPhone pops out.
Exit out the IDPhone.
You are invisible. Click toward the window of the Star Cafe.
Go back into your inventory. Exit out of it.
You are in the Star Cafe Window! =D You may have to try
one more time if you can’t get it.

The House Secret
Go to the right edge of the person’s house.
You will end up at the castle.

Castle Flying Glitch
Go to the castle and go up the stairs.
Go to the middle of the “Bridge”.
Click toward the ceiling.
Use your mouse or keyboard and go right.
Stop when your on the right wall.
Then go anywhere with your mouse or keyboard.
Your flying. Just don’t go to the floor.
If you do, you’ll have to start over.

Pet Name Glitch
Go to the magic code catalog.
Highlight the pet’s name you wanna change.
Then type the name you want to do for the pet.

Pet Academy Glitch
Go to the line-up carpet.
Use your arrow and press up.
Then use your arrow and press right.
You disappear behind the wall.

Orb Glitch
Go outside of the Grotto in the forest.
Click the blue ball, orb, and move it around.

Item Glitch
Go to any shop in Fantage.
While it’s loading, click an item.
A message will pop up.
It should say You Already Have This Item. =D

Creature Shop Spotlight Glitch
Click the left or right light in front of the window.
You’re in a spotlight.

Creature Shop Window Glitch
Go near the Creature Shop window.
Click the big screen button on the top right of your Fantage screen.
Then click the small screen button, while quickly clicking the window.
=D You should be there.
Try as many times if you can’t get it.

Red Carpet Glitch
Go to the red carpet in the Photo Booth.
Go near the red line things.
Click the big screen button.
Click the small screen button, while quickly clicking Officer Russell’s head.
You’re out of the red carpet. =D
Another way, just go around the little green haired dude.
You should get in too! =D

VIP Room Nons
Go to Top Models Inc.
Click below your chat bar.
Click the top of the stairs.
Press the home button while your almost there.
You should be in the VIP Room. =)

Pet Shop Glitch
Click in front of the cat statue in Pet Town.
Enter the Pet Shop.
Click inside the pet pen.
You can click from the roof to the pen anytime you want.
It’s okay if you don’t get it the first time! =)

Talk While Posing Glitch
Go to Top Models Inc.
Open your Instant Message.
Go to a fashion show hosted by someone else.
Then when posing starts, you type on the instant messaging.
But, I bet you won’t have time. =D

Candy Swap Glitch [FIXED]
Go to Wizard’s Domain’s outside.
Go to Candy swap and stand in front of it.
Then go in a little and you should be negative.
This is fixed for right now. Well, it was fun.

Carnival Glitch
Go to the carnival.
Click the red water hydrant.
Water will be shooting out.

Monkey Attack Glitch
Go to the beach.
Click the middle palm tree.
Monkey attack!!!

Disappear at the Hall of Fame Glitch
Go to the Hall of Fame in Uptown.
Go inside the lobby.
Go to your inventory.
Click tab one time and click enter.
A message should pop out, click close.
Then click beside the exit sign.
Go back to your inventory and exit it.
You will be behind the wall.
Peek. Peek. Peek. =D

Cry With Your Eyes Open Glitch
Go in front of Le Shop.
Quickly, go into Le Shop.
You should be crying with your eyes open.=)

Type Anything In Wild Racer Glitch
Go to Pet Town and play Wild Racer Single Player.
Press Backspace/Delete on your keyboard.
Type whatever you want.
Yay! Now when you play Wild Racer Single Player, your message will show up instead of “PLEASE SELECT A PET” until you log out.

Bird Glitch
Go to Wizard’s Domain, outside.
Go where Candy Swap is, don’t click it.
You see a bird nest with blue eggs.
Click it and a blue bird will come down and say things at you. =D
Bee Hive Glitch
Go to Wizard’s Domain, outside.
Go where the forest of mushrooms are.
Click the bee hive.
A weird looking bee will come out. =D

Lifeguard Glitch
Go to the beach.
Go to where it says “Splash”.
Click above that sign.
You’re now a lifeguard! =D

Le Shop Counter Glitch
Go to Le Shop.
Go behind the red leash at the right of your Fantage screen.
Then click on the women blowing kisses.
Ta da! You are now the owner! =D

Loco Board Counter Glitch
Go to Loco Board.
Go to the yellow snail board and stand on it.
Then click the purple counter.
Try to click until you get the exact fit you want. =)

Word Changing Glitch
Go anywhere in Fantage.
Type uqly and the word will be replaced with awesome.
Type boyfriend or girlfriend and the word will be replaced with friend.
Type FUNNY and the word will be replaced with funNY.
Type FUN and the word will be replaced with fun.
You will NOT get banned if you do this, I promise.

Star Cafe Lights
Go to the Star Cafe.
On the corner left, click any of those lights.
You can turn on three of those lights.
This is great if you think it’s dark there. =D

Uptown Snow Glitch
Go to Uptown.
You see the bench outside the IDPhone Shop?
Go over to that bench.
Click the snow and the gray shadows to get behind them.
You just got cut in half by snow!!! =D
NOTE: Only works when there is snow. Maybe shadows…

Pinata Glitch
NOTE: 2 Story Houses Only
When the host of the party starts the pinata, click it.
But, then go upstairs.
You will be wearing the pinata suit. =)

Dancing Glitch
Put on any of your dance costumes.
Click another door to another room while your dancing.
You will be frozen in your dance outfit.

Moving Stickers Glitch
In the IDPhone Shop, buy the chess set of stickers.
Open another persons IDPhone on stickers.
Try adding the White Rook to the page.
It doesn’t appear and try moving around the other persons stickers
You can move their stickers!!! =D Awesome!

Lighthouse Top Glitch
Go to the lighthouse’s top.
On your Fantage screen, there is two yellow arrows.
Keep your pointer on the right yellow arrow.
Then when you get stopped, you should be flying.
Then click anywhere you want and you can fly! =D

Walk Backwards Glitch
Login to Fantage. (Re Login if you are already in Fantage)
Go to your inventory.
Put on any of your clothes you have on.
If the clothes you put on don’t show up, exit it, and then click
somewhere behind you.

Full Server Glitch
Login to Fantage with your account.
When you get on the part, where it asks you to pick a server.
The one you want to get on is full, log out.
Then log back in. Do that till you can get in.
Or you can just press Refresh or Reload Current Page.

Jump Across Rivers in Creature Arena Glitch
Hit the spacebar when you want to jump over rivers.
(Good use when you want to get those stars or fruits) =D
Free Stars
Go to an almost full server.
Host 3 fashion shows.
Play 5 Splash Multi-Player.
Play 1 game of Staries or Magic Pop.
Do 10 mini-quests, if you have ones not done.
Go to 3 fashion shows.
Go report if your a reporter 3 times.
Do these steps over and over again till you are satisfied.
For Star Links, only can be used once per account. Enjoy!

Get on Land in Creature Arena Glitch
When your creature is stuck in the water, this is how to get out.
Using your mouse, click the other way you are right now.
(Ex: If your on the left, click right)
You will need to click a lot of times so be prepared.
Stand with the Models in VIP Room Glitch
See the small crack where the red-lacer is?
Click it 3 times. Then click the models 3 times.
I’m not sure if it is fixed but try it.

Get in a Full Server
Login to your Fantage account.
You see the server you want to get on is full.
Log out of your account.
Log back in.
Then if it not full, get in the server.
If it is still full, log back out.
Then log in.
Do this as many times until you can get in.
Login to your Fantage Account.
You see the server you want to get on is full.
Press F5.
Login to your Fantage Account.
You see the server you want to get on is full.
Press refresh.

Advertising Glitch
It’s annoying when you have to type (Ex. “Party my place! Please come! Party my place!”) advertising.
After you type it once, don’t hit enter.
Highlight the whole thing you said and right-click it.
Click copy. Then press enter. Then next time, just right-click and press Paste.

How to Kick Someone Out Your House
Go to Home Options at the top right of your Fantage screen.
Click Nobody if the person you are kicking out is your friend.
Click Only My Buddies if the person is not your friend.
Click Nobody if the person is not your friend.
Then you can kick someone out your house. =)

The Lock In Trick
Tell the person/people to go in your barn.
Then when everyone gets in, lock your house.
To lock your house, go to the top right of your Fantage screen.
You will see a button called Home Options.
Click it and click Nobody.
Then join the person/people in the barn.
Tell them to try to get out.
When they say they can’t, teach them. =D
Remember, you’re the only one who can get out.
Then when your ready to let them out, go back outside.
Go to Home Options and click Everybody.
The person/people can get out before you are ready though.
But after they leave, and they are not your friend, they
may not come back.

Thanks For Reading :P


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