Saturday, February 28, 2015

The dreaded double trade

Hey guys we all have been scammed at Trade 'n' sell unless your new to fantage and have no idea what trade 'n' sell is.

What trade 'n' sell is...
Well trade 'n' sell is home of the double trading, it was a shop where you could sell stuff and trade stuff.
But the problem was if you wanted something that was stared and the other person wanted your coin item you would double trade because you can't trade a coined item for a stared item.

What a double trade is...
A double trade is when someone wanted your stared item and you wanted their coined item (Or the other way around) One person would post their item and you would offer a coined item. Then you post the item they wanted and they would offer a stared item they didn't like.

But the problem was the person who accepted first was often scammed  so yeah, that's why trade 'n' sell went away.

Anyways, It's starting again in my mall, now people are doing this.

Person #1 post the item person #2 wants but they put it super cheap, Person #2 buys it and this is supposted to post the item Person #1 wants for cheap so they can buy it but usually doesn't.

Anyways that's pretty much it comment some people that scammed you below so others will know who to watch out for, Thanks and have an awesome day, bye! :)


1 comment:

  1. That's why I don't like trade n sell and I never used it. I like MyMall much better because 1. We know how to trade responsibly now. 2. People will buy almost anything not just items that are popular.
