Monday, March 9, 2015


Hey guys, something very bad just happened, I was saving up all my gold and I got all the way to 25,058 and then I just loged in today and now I have 1,298, and 1 new crappy item was added to my inventory...

So needless to say I was hacked.

As soon as I found out I changed my pass! If whoever hacked me is reading this please just stop! :(

Anyways thanks for almost 25,000 page views! That's super awesome! Thanks again, bye!


1 comment:

  1. awww SAME!!! OMG!! i was having some ecoins that i bought last night and im going to save ecoins to 25.000 to get my animated tire board back :/ and after tomorrow i logged in my ecoins are 1.600+!! I HOPE FANTAGE HAVE ANY SECRET QUESTION / PIN FOR OUR ACCOUNT SO OUR ACCOUNT WONT GET HACKED :(
